Today I attended a workshop held by the Graduate Student Resource Center (Student Resource Building, Room 1215) at UCSB.
Here are the notes I take after reading through the handouts:
Tips for New Ph. D. Student
- Be proactive
- Get involved with the UCSB community
- Build my own network
- Keep Perspective (PhD is just on aspect of me but not the full picture)
Job Search
- My IDP (for STEM student)
The care and maintenance of my advisor
- Regularly scheduled meeetings focusing on my thesis
- Specific agenda (what I've done; feedback on written work; what to do next; next meeting)
- Comes up solutions, suggestions and problems
Assertive Communication
- Clearly and calmly expressing what I want without being too passive or aggressive
- "I" statements (I think what you've done is good, but I would like to see more of...)
- How other's behavior makes me feel? (When you don't tell me what you are feeling it makes me condused)
- Stick your guns(what I want, prepare what I wanna say and repeat it. e.g. I would like...Yes, but I still like...I've heard what you said but I still want...)
Note: GSRC is good for help with writing, funding, consultations on CVs...